Hello and Shutdown

Hey hey… So I decided to blog again. Again? Yea, I’ve blogged here and there but never really too successfully. My name? Ah, well here’s the thing, it will be a pen name! Why? Well you see I’m not so sure just yet what this blog will fully focus on and I am very sure there will be some political bitching and work bitching. Who needs their job or future job to know it’s all about them!

About me? Well I can still say some stuff. For example I’m a female living on the Westside of Los Angeles in her late 20s. I like tattoos, I’m a bit neurotic, and my name is not Marion, like Marion Cotillard who I love, but that’s what we’ll call me.

Why I’m choosing today to be the day that I will start a blog that I’m not even sure anyone will read but me?! Because of the government shutdown. The pointless shutdown that simply reminds me that Congress is full of self-serving men and women who want to be reelected time and again. There is no benefit to Congress in its current state. Why? Because they fight and act as toddlers do and get nowhere good. They cannot make decisions and really don’t care about the American people the way they say they do. They care about their jobs and keeping them. You would think keeping the American people happy is their job by doing what they are elected to do, but alas this is not the case.

These people who have decided to shutdown the government and keep people from getting paid these bastards are STILL getting paid even though in effect they have been unable to do THEIR job. While the people who are not getting paid were and are being forced into furlough. Hmm all this logical sense, what?! This doesn’t make sense?! Yea I know. It’s why people who are very intelligent and have the resources should evaluate our government. I know we have the House of Representatives and the Senate in place in order for there be a system of checks and balances, but this is not a working system anymore. Not the way it’s run. I don’t have the answers, but I do know that more people are suffering than benefiting from this childish game that’s led to a government shutdown.

The affordable health care act is still in effect even though there is a shutdown. The Republican party knows that they can’t change it but still they bicker with the Democratic party who says hey bully you’re not going to get to me. Is the Republican party the bad guy?! No, but there are Republicans who are the bad guy in this case, while there are also the sane ones who see that this is no way of getting a reform that was passed 3 years ago off the table. Siiiigh

I do want to say that though I am so so very angry with our government and so very angry with the people who are making this more difficult than it has to be, that I feel blessed that this is one of our biggest problems and not like famine or genocide.

Happy Tuesday

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